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Fixing sex : intersex, medical authority, and lived experience  / 

Katrina A. Karkazis.Durham, NC [etc.]: Duke University Press, 2008 - xiii, 365 p.: ill.
uitgave: Durham, NC [etc.]: Duke University Press, 2008 - xiii, 365 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 321-342.
samenvatting: What happens when a baby is born with 'ambiguous' genitalia or a combination of 'male' and 'female' body parts? Clinicians and parents in these situations are confronted with complicated questions such as whether a girl can have XY chromosomes, or whether some penises are 'too small' for a male sex assignment. Since the 1950s, standard treatment has involved determining a sex for these infants and performing surgery to normalize the infant's genitalia. Over the past decade intersex advocates have mounted unprecedented challenges to treatment, offering alternative perspectives about the meaning and appropriate medical response to intersexuality and driving those who treat intersex conditions into a deep crisis.Katrina A. Karkazis offers a nuanced, compassionate picture of these charged issues in "Fixing Sex", the first book to examine contemporary controversies over the medical management of intersexuality in the United States from the multiple perspectives of those most intimately involved. Drawing extensively on interviews with adults with intersex conditions, parents, and physicians, Karkazis moves beyond the heated rhetoric to reveal the complex reality of how intersexuality is understood, treated, and experienced today. As she unravels the historical, technological, social, and political forces that have culminated in debates surrounding intersexuality, Karkazis exposes the contentious disagreements among theorists, physicians, intersex adults, activists, and parents - and all that those debates imply about gender and the changing landscape of intersex management.She argues that by viewing intersexuality exclusively through a narrow medical lens we avoid much more difficult questions. Do gender atypical bodies require treatment? Should physicians intervene to control the 'sex' of the body? As this illuminating book reveals, debates over treatment for intersexuality force the reassessment of the seemingly natural connections between gender, biology, and the body.

signatuur: cat. (karka/fix) b


Fixing sex : intersex, medical authority, and lived experience
cat. (karka/fix) b ODE3
Katrina A. Karkazis.

Intersexualität kommunizieren : Über das I-DSD-Symposium im Juni 2013 in Glasgow  / Laura Wolf, Christina Handford, Franziska Brunner.

Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 26 (2013) 4 (Dez), p. 384-387
bron: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung jaargang: 26 (2013) 4 (Dez), p. 384-387
samenvatting: Die internationale Organisation I-DSD hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Studien zu "Disorders of Sex Development" (DSD)[1] durchzuführen und eine PatientInnen-Datenbank (I-DSD-Registry) zu betreiben. Vom 7. bis 9. Juni 2013 veranstaltete das aus dem EU-finanzierten EuroDSD-Projekt entstandene Netzwerk von WissenschaftlerInnen und MedizinerInnen das "4th International Symposium on Disorders of Sex Development".

signatuur: ts.


Intersexualität kommunizieren : Über das I-DSD-Symposium im Juni 2013 in Glasgow
ts. full_text
Laura Wolf, Christina Handford, Franziska Brunner.
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung

Decision-making principles for the care of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions

Melbourne: State of Victoria, 2013 - 31 p.
uitgave: Melbourne : State of Victoria, 2013 - 31 p.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: This document is a resource for Victorian hospitals responsible for the healthcare of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions. The Victorian Department of Health, in collaboration with leading experts in the field, has developed this resource to assist decision makers to make the best possible decisions in this complex area. The resource synthesises the advice of the Victorian Government, medical, human rights, ethical and legal experts, and community advocates, and outlines best-practice principles to be applied to decision making. It is intended to assist decision makers to safeguard the best interests of patients.

signatuur: cat. (decis/pri)

dgb grijs

Decision-making principles for the care of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions
cat. (decis/pri)dgb grijs

The Body as a Site of Gender-Related Distress : Ethical Considerations for Gender Variant Youth in Clinical Settings  / Katrina Roen.

Journal of Homosexuality, 63 (2016) 3 (mar), p. 306-322
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 63 (2016) 3 (mar), p. 306-322
samenvatting: The present article maps out understandings about embodied distress among gender-nonconforming youth. Feminist bioethics and queer-inflected clinical perspectives are used to inform thinking about ethical, nonpathologizing health care in the case of gender-related distress. Specific attention is directed at self-harming among gender variant and trans youth. This is contextualized in relation to the role that self-harm plays for some LGBT youth, where it may be seen as a rite of passage or as reasonable and inevitable way of coping. The particular complexities of self-harm among trans youth seeking clinical intervention are examined. Queer bioethics is proposed as potentially facilitating productive uncertainty with regard to the diverse imagined futures of gender variant and trans youth. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2016.1124688 )

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (roen-k/bod)

The Body as a Site of Gender-Related Distress : Ethical Considerations for Gender Variant Youth in Clinical Settings
ts. dgb artikelen (roen-k/bod)
Katrina Roen.
Journal of Homosexuality

"Lex Intersex" - und nun? : Zum rechtlichen Umgang mit Zwischengeschlechtlichkeit  / Konstanze Plett.

samenvatting: Seit 1. November 2013 müssen intergeschlechtlich geborene Kinder im Geburtenregister ohne Geschlecht eingetragen werden. Die Probleme der Geselschaft und des rechts im Untergang mit Menschen, deren Körper(identität) nicht dem Normvorstellungen von "männlich"oder "weiblich"entspricht, sind damit jedoch nicht gelöst. Manche Rechtsprobleme sind durch diese Gesetzänderung ("Lex Intersex") sogar erst hervorgerufen worden. Im Folgenden wird der Schriftseller zunächts nachzeichnen, was "der Gesetzgeber" mit dieser Vorschrift bezweckt, sodann kurz darauf eingehen, wie der bisherige Umstezungsstand ist, danach einige Folgeprobleme benenne und schliesslich eine Ordnung in den Stand der gesetzlicheen und sonstigen Regulierung von Geschlecht vornehemen.

signatuur: cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2016 b

"Lex Intersex" - und nun? : Zum rechtlichen Umgang mit Zwischengeschlechtlichkeit
cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2016 b
Konstanze Plett.
In : Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2016 / Hrsg. Maria Borowski ... [et al.]. - Gottingen : Wallstein, 2016. - p. 30-50.

Eugenics and Intersex : The consequences of defining 'normal' bodies  / Katelyn Dykstra Dykerman.

Notches 03-03-2015
bron: Notches 03-03-2015
samenvatting: On May 1, 2014, Dr Cary Gabriel Costello published a blog post entitled, "On Eugenic Abortion of the Intersex," that discussed the contemporary choice for parents to terminate fetuses diagnosed with an intersex condition. His post provides a useful starting point for a discussion about the continued threat of eugenic science (or genetic science, under which eugenic practices have often been re-packaged) to queer folks, in particular those with intersex conditions.

signatuur: full_text

Eugenics and Intersex : The consequences of defining 'normal' bodies
Katelyn Dykstra Dykerman.

Children born with intersex variations : information sheet.

[Melbourne]: Australian Psychological Society [APS], ca. 2017 - 5 p.
uitgave: [Melbourne] : Australian Psychological Society [APS], ca. 2017 - 5 p.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: Information sheet prepared for parents and families of children born with intersex variations.

signatuur: cat. (child/bor) dgb grijs

Children born with intersex variations : information sheet.
cat. (child/bor) dgb grijs

National Dialogue on the Protection and Promotion of the Human Rights of Intersex People : National Intersex Meetring Report.

[S.l.: Intersex South Africa [issa] & Iranti], 2018 - 28 p.: ill.
uitgave: [S.l. : Intersex South Africa [issa] & Iranti], 2018 - 28 p.: ill.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: Verslag van bijeenkomst op 17 december 2017 georganiseerd door ISSA en Iranti ism Department of Justice and Constitutional Development South Africa and the Foundation for Human Rights waarin aandacht wordt gevraagd voor de rechtspositie, sigmatisering, chirurgische ingrepen zonder toestemming kind, sterilisatie, gezondheidszorg, geslachtsregistratie en betere acceptatie van interseksuelen.

signatuur: cat. (natio/dia)

dgb grijs

National Dialogue on the Protection and Promotion of the Human Rights of Intersex People : National Intersex Meetring Report.
cat. (natio/dia)dgb grijs

Histories of the transgender child  / 

Julian Gill-Peterson.Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2018 - x, 262 p.
uitgave: Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2018 - x, 262 p.
samenvatting: With transgender rights front and center in American politics, media, and culture, the pervasive myth still exists that today's transgender children are a brand new generation--pioneers in a field of new obstacles and hurdles. Histories of the Transgender Child shatters this myth, uncovering a previously unknown twentieth-century history when transgender children not only existed but preexisted the term transgender and its predecessors, playing a central role in the medicalization of trans people, and all sex and gender. Beginning with the early 1900s when children with "ambiguous" sex first sought medical attention, to the 1930s when transgender people began to seek out doctors involved in altering children's sex, to the invention of the category gender, and finally the 1960s and '70s when, as the field institutionalized, transgender children began to take hormones, change their names, and even access gender confirmation, Julian Gill-Peterson reconstructs the medicalization and racialization of children's bodies. Throughout, they foreground the racial history of medicine that excludes black and trans of color children through the concept of gender's plasticity, placing race at the center of their analysis and at the center of transgender studies. Until now, little has been known about early transgender history and life and its relevance to children. Using a wealth of archival research from hospitals and clinics, including incredible personal letters from children to doctors, as well as scientific and medical literature, this book reaches back to the first half of the twentieth century--a time when the category transgender was not available but surely existed, in the lives of children and parents.

signatuur: cat. (gillp/his) b


Histories of the transgender child
cat. (gillp/his) b ODE3
Julian Gill-Peterson.

Ze wisten niet of ik een jongen of een meisje was : Kennis, keuze en geslachtsvariaties : Over het leven met en het kennen van intersekse condities in Nederland  / Margriet van Heesch.

Amsterdam: Vossiuspers, 2015 - 344 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Vossiuspers, 2015 - 344 p.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: In Nederland leven circa 80.000 mensen die geboren zijn met een geslachtsanatomie die niet helemaal overeenstemt met de norm voor mannen- en vrouwenlichamen. Vroeger heette dit hermafroditisme of intersekse condities en in 2006 werd de term: disorders of sex development voorgesteld. Omdat alle drie de termen nog in gebruik zijn, wordt hier gesproken van geslachtsvariaties. Vanaf de jaren 1950 werd het standaard medische praktijk kinderen met een geslachtsvariatie te behoeden voor sociale problemen door hen een gender toe te wijzen en die procedure vervolgens geheim te houden. Maar hoe was dat voor die kinderen? Hoe kijken zij als nu - volwassenen terug op de medische interventies en de geeheimzinnigheid? Door het herschikken en interfereren van de kennis uit de levensverhalen met de kennis uit medische narratieven ontstaat een meervoudig perspectief. Zo wordt duidelijk dat medische interventies in geval van geslachtsvariaties verantwoord werden in een asymmetrisch kennisnetwerk dat doordrongen was van paradoxale boodschappen. Kennisproducties en kennisnetwerken rondom geslachtsvariaties waren dan wel contingent, maar niet waardevrij. De onderliggende ideologie die de paradigmaverschuivingen, vergissingen en accommodaties in gang zette, was en is hoofdzakelijk normatief. Dit onderzoek wil bijdragen aan het beschouwen van deze mensen als volwaardig met volwaardige lichamen en volwaardige levens.

signatuur: cat. (heesc/wis)

dgb grijs

Ze wisten niet of ik een jongen of een meisje was : Kennis, keuze en geslachtsvariaties : Over het leven met en het kennen van intersekse condities in Nederland
cat. (heesc/wis)dgb grijs


( DE:"intersekse kinderen" )

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